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Energy efficiency

Use energy wisely at home

About one-third of all electricity produced at power plants in the United States is used in the home. Families that reduce their electricity use by avoiding waste and buying energy-efficient appliances save money and help preserve natural resources used to generate electricity.

Show your parents this list of ways to be energy-efficient and save money on your energy bills every month. Maybe you can persuade them to share the cost savings with you!


  • Install compact fluorescent or LED light bulbs.
  • Turn off lights when not in use.

Heating/air conditioning

  • Set your heater thermostat to the lowest temperature that still keeps you comfortable—some recommend 68°F by day and a cool 60°F by night.
  • Ask an adult to make sure the fireplace damper is closed when the heating system is on so heated air doesn't escape up the chimney.
  • Keep your air conditioner's thermostat set at 76°F to 78°F to stay comfortable and use less energy.
  • Close doors quickly when you enter or leave a house where heating or air conditioning is on.


  • Use a clothesline when possible.
  • Wait until the dishwasher is full before running it.
  • Wash and dry full loads of laundry.
  • Clean the refrigerator coils.


  • Cover pots when cooking.
  • Don't open the oven too often.
  • Use the microwave whenever possible.


  • Install a low-flow showerhead.
  • Take shorter showers or half-full baths.
  • Turn down the thermostat on your water heater.

Use energy wisely at school

Most schools spend more money on energy than on computers and textbooks combined. Here's how you can help your school reduce energy waste.

Lights and computers

  • Choose someone to be an energy monitor to make sure lights and computers are turned off before recess, lunch and after school.
  • Create a "Save Energy" sign to hang near your classroom light switches to remind people to turn off lights when not in use.

Heating and cooling

  • Make sure books or furniture do not block classroom vents.
  • Encourage everyone to keep doors and windows closed when heating or air conditioning is running.


  • Turn off the water in the bathroom when you are finished using it.
  • Report any water leaks you find to your teacher or school custodian.

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